An admission can be arranged through consultation by, or after consultation with, a neurologist in our centre, or in response to a referral from your GP or neurologist.
Admissions mostly take place on Monday morning.
Exceptions are agreed with the physician in charge.
On the day of the admission, you need to report to the rehabilitation centre reception.
It's very important to be there at the agreed time!
You will then be welcomed, registered and taken to your room by an employee from the social services department.
You need to give all relevant medical details to your physician in our centre for your admission.
For your admission you can possibly bring:
In the framework of hospital hygiene guidelines, you must bring enough face cloths and towels to be refreshed every day.
Please ensure your name is on everything (clothing, all detachable wheelchair components, anti-pressure ulcer equipment, etc.)
* The use of cannabis or any other drug is NOT permitted anywhere on the NMSC premises. Distribution, dealing or incitement to use is also forbidden. Patients who do not adhere to these rules can be denied access to the NMSC. The police may also be informed.
The National MS Centre aims to provide integrated and comprehensive care to people with MS. As well as physical and psychosocial care, the NMSC also focuses on ideological and existential care. The centre has entrusted this care to the Pastoral Service. The global objective for pastors is to recognise the humanity of every person, sick or healthy, religious or not religious, and to support them in their growth towards living a full life and guide them in their own ideology.
1. Individual guidance for people with MS.
The proper course of action for pastors is to work with the meaning that someone gives to their own life and relationships. In other words, pastors are ‘specialists’ at guiding people with MS to find answers to their existential questions. If this person has religious beliefs, then the pastor can use religious language with them. If someone is not religious, then they use language that evokes existential themes in their life. Pastoral care focuses on the life dynamics of the person with MS. This mainly takes the form of an individual pastoral conversation.
2. Shared guidance for people with MS.
The pastoral service provides liturgy from the catholic tradition to people who want this. Silence and solidarity are created with The Untold through communion and/or a blessing, in sacrament and ritual. Liturgy is celebrated on Tuesday afternoon and Sunday morning. This contributes to a religious community.
This type of ideological care is offered to all hospitalised patients. People are free to take up this offer or not. Everyone is free to contact the Pastoral Service under their own initiative.
The pastors are Stefan Vermuyten and Katleen Duthoo